Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Just a quick note
I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured I would jump on and at least say hi and let everyone know that we are indeed, still alive and doing ok! I love the Christmas season and I am so excited! I had the best experience tonight with some of the girls that I work with at one of my jobs. We all decided to get together and have an ugly sweater Christmas party. Ashley had put her mission papers in about a month ago and she got her call! She was so excited and we all gathered around the computer on Skype while her Dad read her mission call, She is going to the Phillipines! It was quite funny and ironic, as soon as we found out, there was a knock at the door and it was....the Missionaries!!! We were quite entertained! LOL I can't believe that this year is almost over! I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. Merry Christmas!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Biggest Scare of My Life!!!

My little man, Trystan definitely keeps me on my toes. Today though, he just scared me beyond belief and I mean hysterical crying scared. We were just ready to go pick up Ysabella from school and I ran upstairs to use the restroom before we left. Trystan was sitting on the couching watching that PBS cartoon, Word Girl. I came downstairs and he wasn't on the couch. I poked my head out the back door because sometimes he will go out and play in the backyard. No Trystan. I went next door to my friend's Codey and Kristi's house because they are Aunt and Uncle to my kids and he wasn't there...that's when I started getting scared. My other friends live two doors down and we checked there as well and Trystan was just no where in sight!My friend Aaron got on his bike and rode to check at my daycare providers house because Trystan had been upset that he had left his cup there so we thought maybe he went there. By this time, I am freaking out and I am late picking up Ysabella. My friends kept looking for him and I drove over to the school to pick her up. I was going to call the police as soon as I had her and was on my way back. I double parked a car and left my car running right across the street from the school and ran to find Bella. People were looking at me like I had lost my mind because tears were just streaming down my face. Right as I heard Ysabella say my name I look down and there is my little boy, all safe and sound and all grins and proud that he came and picked up Bella from school. I couldn't even say anything...I just grabbed him and was holding on to him for dear life and completely broke down, The principal came running over and asked if everything was ok and one of the sweet sisters from my ward was right there as well. I have NEVER been more scared in my life and more relieved too. Needless to say, the kids have not left my sight today afterwards and I am just so thankful that Heavenly Father looked after my little boy who decided to walk by himself four blocks away and across a fairly busy intersection!
Monday, June 1, 2009
A trip to the ER
Whoever said that May we live an interesting life...well it is! Trystan was wearing a shirt today that completely fits says "All my great ideas get me in trouble" Today he definitely got in trouble and it landed him in the ER. Ysabella and Trysatn were out back playing while I was trying to sell my tv...anyway they come back in and sit down on the couch to watch Arthur. All is fine and dandy, I'm studying they are quiet and content and then after the cartoon is over Trystan comes over and starts crying "Mommy, I'm almost dying!" I'm stinking his drama queen sister is rubbing off on him and I laugh and tell him he's not dying and he's ok. He then proceeds to tell me "NO! I drank gas!!!" I ask Bella if he really did and she verifies it, I tell him to show me and sure enough he shows me a gas can laying out in the driveway! I'm about to freak out but instead I grab my keys and get him in his car seat and rush him to the ER. They did x rays and kept us there for a couple of hours but he is ok. Luckily he only drank a little bit and it didn't do any damage I just have to make sure he stays hydrated and just watch him. It sure scared me though and now I am just pissed at whoever decided to leave the gas can out of the hiding spot anyway.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
When It Rains, It Pours...
Wow! What a week! This has been such a hectic week yet also filled with blessings. It was sooo busy with the end of the school year and I can not believe that Ysabella has graduated Kindergarten. She was so excited. I took her to get her hair styled before her graduation because I knew she would not sit still long enough for me to do. That was one battle I really wanted to avoid! Needless to say...all the cute curls lasted all of like 30 minutes. Oh well, it was cute while it lasted! (There are a few pics at the end!)
I got hired as an office assistant for Itzy Bitzy Designs and will be starting on Tuesday. I really needed a second job, the downfall will be that I will never have a day off but that is the price I pay!!!
On Thursday, when it was time to pick up Ysabella from school, I couldn't find my keys anywhere! Luckily I have a spare so I grabbed that and Trystan and I were on our merry way to get her, that is until we got to the car! The good news was, I found my keys!!! The bad news, I had left them in my ignition when I had taken Bella to school in the first place and my battery was dead. So, I called a friend and she picked up Bella for me and came and gave me a jump. I let the car run for about 30 minutes and then shut it off. On Friday morning when I left to take Bella to school, my car wouldn't start! Again, I called my friend and she gave me another jump and I got Bella to school on time. Well this time I drove around for like 45 minutes before I even went to work and it started up just fine every time for the rest of Friday. I thought everything was fine...guess again! LOL On saturday, my car was dead AGAIN!!! Again, the same friend came and jumped me and I went to work, with kids in tow since my babysitter I had lined up called me 45 minutes before work and cancelled!!!!! (I couldn't find anyone to watch them so I had to take them...It was a GREAT day at work, let me tell ya!!! I'm just glad it wasn't too busy! Anyway, I got off and yep, you guessed it, my car was dead! My Manager came and jumped me and by this time, I had had it! I drove straight to Checkers and had some diagnostics ran on it. My battery had pretty much had it and I needed a new one...So now I think it's okay!!!
School has been going great. I am carrying a 3.8 GPA. I thought I was going to graduate next year but I double checked and I am actually scheduled to graduate this October!!!!! The bad news about school is that I ordered the textbooks for my next two classes and found out today that I was told the wrong textbook for one of the classes, and it starts tomorrow!!! Gotta love that!
Anyway, You gotta take the good with the bad, I had to work today and left to two happy and smiling kids and now I have one very upset little girl. She says she has a sore throat and she's sitting here crying because she was asleep for about an hour (which in itself is a was 7:00!!) and Trystan just woke her up. So I think we are heading back to WalMart for some medicine!

I got hired as an office assistant for Itzy Bitzy Designs and will be starting on Tuesday. I really needed a second job, the downfall will be that I will never have a day off but that is the price I pay!!!
On Thursday, when it was time to pick up Ysabella from school, I couldn't find my keys anywhere! Luckily I have a spare so I grabbed that and Trystan and I were on our merry way to get her, that is until we got to the car! The good news was, I found my keys!!! The bad news, I had left them in my ignition when I had taken Bella to school in the first place and my battery was dead. So, I called a friend and she picked up Bella for me and came and gave me a jump. I let the car run for about 30 minutes and then shut it off. On Friday morning when I left to take Bella to school, my car wouldn't start! Again, I called my friend and she gave me another jump and I got Bella to school on time. Well this time I drove around for like 45 minutes before I even went to work and it started up just fine every time for the rest of Friday. I thought everything was fine...guess again! LOL On saturday, my car was dead AGAIN!!! Again, the same friend came and jumped me and I went to work, with kids in tow since my babysitter I had lined up called me 45 minutes before work and cancelled!!!!! (I couldn't find anyone to watch them so I had to take them...It was a GREAT day at work, let me tell ya!!! I'm just glad it wasn't too busy! Anyway, I got off and yep, you guessed it, my car was dead! My Manager came and jumped me and by this time, I had had it! I drove straight to Checkers and had some diagnostics ran on it. My battery had pretty much had it and I needed a new one...So now I think it's okay!!!
School has been going great. I am carrying a 3.8 GPA. I thought I was going to graduate next year but I double checked and I am actually scheduled to graduate this October!!!!! The bad news about school is that I ordered the textbooks for my next two classes and found out today that I was told the wrong textbook for one of the classes, and it starts tomorrow!!! Gotta love that!
Anyway, You gotta take the good with the bad, I had to work today and left to two happy and smiling kids and now I have one very upset little girl. She says she has a sore throat and she's sitting here crying because she was asleep for about an hour (which in itself is a was 7:00!!) and Trystan just woke her up. So I think we are heading back to WalMart for some medicine!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Greetings!
Again, it has taken me a long time to sign on and blog...figures, I'm a procrastinator, what can I say?! Anyway-my trip to Oklahoma was great! we had such a good time and I seriously did NOT want to come back to Utah. My brother's wedding pics were wonderful and it gave me the opportunity to see where I need to improve. My mom is doing ok. She has had two chemo treatments now and although it makes her very tired, she is handling it all in stride. Scott started school! LOL I never thought he would ever decide to go back to school. He is going for Automotive Technology. Yesterday was a pretty rough day, I came home from work sick and had/have a combo of strep throat (thanks for sharing Trystan!) and a sinus infection. Needless to say...I slept pretty much all day long until I had to pick up Ysabella from school and slept more after we got home. I am so grateful that my kids are pretty much old enough to entertain themselves! My little girl is the best ever!! Anytime my blanket would slip off she would come retuck me in and kiss me on the cheek. She even made me hot chocolate (even if it was a little watered down!) This morning before I took her to school she was so proud that she had taken care of Mommy...too cute...anyway, I'm still alive and able to actually do stuff today!
I hope everyone is ready for Easter! I think we are. The kids keep asking how many days are left like every 10 minutes...don't you love that! Well- I am still not too clear headed but I guess thats all I am going to write for now...I'm gonna add some pics...I still have to do my Easter pics of the kids...just haven't done it yet!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Time Goes By Too Fast
I have gotten really far behind in alot of things and this is one of them. This year has been a bit hectic and it will continue to be that way I am sure. We started the year off on a bit of a challenge. My mom who has moved to Oklahoma was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy done last week and finds out tomorrow if she has to undergo chemo. It is a bit scary....let me take that back, way scary! I can't bear with losing my mother just yet. She is doing fine though and healing really quick according to my dad and brother.
Another year has come and gone, Scott's birthday is tomorrow...Happy Birthday Babe, I love you!....and mine is coming up soon. It's crazy how quick time flies by, I don't think I like getting older lol
Speaking of getting older, Ysabella is going to be 6!!!! Wow! She is so excited, she gets to have two birthdays. We are having a party here with her friends and then another party when we get up to Oklahoma for our visit... She will be really excited when she finds out her birthday present from my brother...concert tickets to see David Archuleta! Yes, my little girl is madly in love with little Archie from American Idol. I wonder how long this little crush will last, she says she is going to marry him, I guess she can't do any worse...he is a member LOL
As I mentioned up above, we are getting ready for a little trip...The kids and I will be heading to Oklahoma for a couple of weeks from Feb 28th-March 12th. My brother is getting married! Ysabella and Trystan will be the flower girl and ring bearer and I am going to be their photographer. I am very excited and so honored that my brother would rather have me take his wedding pictures over the other photographer they had in mind!
Today is quite cold and dreary, I think we will be staying inside the whole day. Scott and Bella will be going to church but I am staying home with Trystan as he has pneumonia. The poor little boy, he is one sick baby.
Anyway-that is all for now, hopefully it won't take me another month to jump on here again.
Another year has come and gone, Scott's birthday is tomorrow...Happy Birthday Babe, I love you!....and mine is coming up soon. It's crazy how quick time flies by, I don't think I like getting older lol
Speaking of getting older, Ysabella is going to be 6!!!! Wow! She is so excited, she gets to have two birthdays. We are having a party here with her friends and then another party when we get up to Oklahoma for our visit... She will be really excited when she finds out her birthday present from my brother...concert tickets to see David Archuleta! Yes, my little girl is madly in love with little Archie from American Idol. I wonder how long this little crush will last, she says she is going to marry him, I guess she can't do any worse...he is a member LOL
As I mentioned up above, we are getting ready for a little trip...The kids and I will be heading to Oklahoma for a couple of weeks from Feb 28th-March 12th. My brother is getting married! Ysabella and Trystan will be the flower girl and ring bearer and I am going to be their photographer. I am very excited and so honored that my brother would rather have me take his wedding pictures over the other photographer they had in mind!
Today is quite cold and dreary, I think we will be staying inside the whole day. Scott and Bella will be going to church but I am staying home with Trystan as he has pneumonia. The poor little boy, he is one sick baby.
Anyway-that is all for now, hopefully it won't take me another month to jump on here again.
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