I got hired as an office assistant for Itzy Bitzy Designs and will be starting on Tuesday. I really needed a second job, the downfall will be that I will never have a day off but that is the price I pay!!!
On Thursday, when it was time to pick up Ysabella from school, I couldn't find my keys anywhere! Luckily I have a spare so I grabbed that and Trystan and I were on our merry way to get her, that is until we got to the car! The good news was, I found my keys!!! The bad news, I had left them in my ignition when I had taken Bella to school in the first place and my battery was dead. So, I called a friend and she picked up Bella for me and came and gave me a jump. I let the car run for about 30 minutes and then shut it off. On Friday morning when I left to take Bella to school, my car wouldn't start! Again, I called my friend and she gave me another jump and I got Bella to school on time. Well this time I drove around for like 45 minutes before I even went to work and it started up just fine every time for the rest of Friday. I thought everything was fine...guess again! LOL On saturday, my car was dead AGAIN!!! Again, the same friend came and jumped me and I went to work, with kids in tow since my babysitter I had lined up called me 45 minutes before work and cancelled!!!!! (I couldn't find anyone to watch them so I had to take them...It was a GREAT day at work, let me tell ya!!! I'm just glad it wasn't too busy! Anyway, I got off and yep, you guessed it, my car was dead! My Manager came and jumped me and by this time, I had had it! I drove straight to Checkers and had some diagnostics ran on it. My battery had pretty much had it and I needed a new one...So now I think it's okay!!!
School has been going great. I am carrying a 3.8 GPA. I thought I was going to graduate next year but I double checked and I am actually scheduled to graduate this October!!!!! The bad news about school is that I ordered the textbooks for my next two classes and found out today that I was told the wrong textbook for one of the classes, and it starts tomorrow!!! Gotta love that!
Anyway, You gotta take the good with the bad, I had to work today and left to two happy and smiling kids and now I have one very upset little girl. She says she has a sore throat and she's sitting here crying because she was asleep for about an hour (which in itself is a miracle...it was 7:00!!) and Trystan just woke her up. So I think we are heading back to WalMart for some medicine!