Well, things have been pretty interesting to say the least for the last couple of months. I have really sat back and reflected on life and what I have done and what I really wanted. There have been many trials, tribulations and stupid decisions made LOL What I need is a clean slate. Somewhere that I can go and start all over. For myself and my family. It is time to leave Cedar City, but this time, we are even going to leave the state. The kids and I will be packing up and moving to Oklahoma in October after the first quarter of school.
Some of you know that my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now in remission thanks to many prayers and the power of our Heavenly Father. She recently had to undergo back surgery and could really use some help. She really misses us and would like to have her grandbabies so close again and honestly, my little girl would be much better off being around Nana and Papa again!
Scott will hopefully be able to join us as soon as he is released and as long as the Interstate Compact goes through, he will complete his three years probation there. He has a much better chance of succeeding away from this place and the people who he has interacted with in the past...people, places, things...it will be a clean start for the both of us. And hopefully, we can pick up where we left off in improving our relationship and hopefully still have the goal of going to the Temple. As of right now, that is more Scott's goal and what he wants. Don't get me wrong, I want it too, but lets just say that his faith is in a better place than mine right now...I am still working on it.
I am also going to be starting school again this month. I will be working torwards my BS degree in graphic arts with an emphasis is print media design. I am very excited!
There is so much change coming and I don't really know what to expect but I do feel that I am making the best decision for right now. Hopefully it will all work out ok!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
So Much For That Idea...
Hi! Well so much for my great idea of posting alot more blogs this year. My mom calls me the world's greatest "PRO"-crastinator! I guess the nic-name fits. Anyway-I figured I would sign on and at least say hello and that we are still hanging in there! This school year has gone quickly and my little girl will be entering the 2nd grade in the fall and my baby boy will in Kindergarten! I guess, it may be time to start thinking about adding a new addition to the family...It's been a thought in mine and Scott's head for about a year now though, so I really don't know..We are also considering a big move...I'll keep ya posted!
Monday, January 18, 2010
A New Year
Happy New Year! I know I am a little late (as usual)I am really hoping that this year goes much better than what last year had in store for us. I guess time will tell. I am blessed to have a wonderful family & I love them very much! Do I always like them, nope,I don't, but that's a hurdle in life I plan to jump, not crash into!It's definitely been one of those days...well, actually make that a year where I had been living by this motto...A smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations. Even if it's a fake one. Used properly, you can fool anyone with them...Needless to say, we survived the year!
I decided not to make any resolutions this year because in all honesty, I don't keep them and then I get mad at myself for not living up to my own expectations. I AM going to appreciate what and who I have in my life and be grateful and not take a day for granted...if anything would ever happen, I don't want to be saying "If Only..."
Now a little update on everyone. Scott and I are doing great. I am still working at the Picture Me! Portrait Studio, and I am the Assistant Manager. I am also still working on Mon Cherie Photography but I really don't focus to much energy on it right now as I really dont want to start my studio here in Cedar City.

I am also working another part time job as a customer service rep for Itzy Bitzy. If you have little ones that can wear these shoes and accessories, check us out at www.itzybitzy.com Scott is doing well, he had quit smoking but kinda fell back on the habit! He is working full time at Parkway Ford and also part time at Brian Head...he is so excited to get to snowboard for free!

We had a wonderful holiday and all of us were pretty spoiled! Our favorite gift was our new addition to our family. Meet Duchess Blu Skyelee!

She is our purebred Blue Merle Great Dane! (please excuse the messy house behind her!) Both Scott and I have a passion for big dogs and Danes are such wonderful pets! She is very smart and pretty mellow which is nice! She is a gem with her kennel training!
Anyway, the kids are getting so big! They are pretty much driving me insane on some days but I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world. There are some days that they can get along so well and are literally best friends and inseparable, but on another day they are screaming at each other and usually throwing blows...

Ysabella is coming up on seven, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is a little drama queen and I can seriously already dread her being a teenager!! She comes home from school with all her little stories about boys chasing her, and this girl not liking this girl and so on and so on...It scares me how fast our society is pushing little girls to grow up! She can be sweet and innocent when she wants to be...she is a whiz at math and loves the color blue and purple. She adores My Little Ponies and Tinkerbell and is in fact, pushing for a Tinkerbell birthday party as I am typing this up!

Trystan is 4 1/2 now and wow, is he a character. He is my monkey! The boy has no fear!! He will start kindergarten next fall...so sad for me, my baby is getting too big! He knows his ABC's and can count to 20 and then skips all the way to 100! His favorite color is green and the boy loves Transformers, especially Bumblebee! He is a little scrapper for sure, I am having to tell him to be good and be nice every single day at daycare!!

Well this has definitely been a long post! I will be posting again soon, we are due for some new family pictures so I will get those up as soon as we have them done.
I decided not to make any resolutions this year because in all honesty, I don't keep them and then I get mad at myself for not living up to my own expectations. I AM going to appreciate what and who I have in my life and be grateful and not take a day for granted...if anything would ever happen, I don't want to be saying "If Only..."
Now a little update on everyone. Scott and I are doing great. I am still working at the Picture Me! Portrait Studio, and I am the Assistant Manager. I am also still working on Mon Cherie Photography but I really don't focus to much energy on it right now as I really dont want to start my studio here in Cedar City.

I am also working another part time job as a customer service rep for Itzy Bitzy. If you have little ones that can wear these shoes and accessories, check us out at www.itzybitzy.com Scott is doing well, he had quit smoking but kinda fell back on the habit! He is working full time at Parkway Ford and also part time at Brian Head...he is so excited to get to snowboard for free!
We had a wonderful holiday and all of us were pretty spoiled! Our favorite gift was our new addition to our family. Meet Duchess Blu Skyelee!

She is our purebred Blue Merle Great Dane! (please excuse the messy house behind her!) Both Scott and I have a passion for big dogs and Danes are such wonderful pets! She is very smart and pretty mellow which is nice! She is a gem with her kennel training!
Anyway, the kids are getting so big! They are pretty much driving me insane on some days but I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world. There are some days that they can get along so well and are literally best friends and inseparable, but on another day they are screaming at each other and usually throwing blows...
Ysabella is coming up on seven, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is a little drama queen and I can seriously already dread her being a teenager!! She comes home from school with all her little stories about boys chasing her, and this girl not liking this girl and so on and so on...It scares me how fast our society is pushing little girls to grow up! She can be sweet and innocent when she wants to be...she is a whiz at math and loves the color blue and purple. She adores My Little Ponies and Tinkerbell and is in fact, pushing for a Tinkerbell birthday party as I am typing this up!
Trystan is 4 1/2 now and wow, is he a character. He is my monkey! The boy has no fear!! He will start kindergarten next fall...so sad for me, my baby is getting too big! He knows his ABC's and can count to 20 and then skips all the way to 100! His favorite color is green and the boy loves Transformers, especially Bumblebee! He is a little scrapper for sure, I am having to tell him to be good and be nice every single day at daycare!!
Well this has definitely been a long post! I will be posting again soon, we are due for some new family pictures so I will get those up as soon as we have them done.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Just a quick note
I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured I would jump on and at least say hi and let everyone know that we are indeed, still alive and doing ok! I love the Christmas season and I am so excited! I had the best experience tonight with some of the girls that I work with at one of my jobs. We all decided to get together and have an ugly sweater Christmas party. Ashley had put her mission papers in about a month ago and she got her call! She was so excited and we all gathered around the computer on Skype while her Dad read her mission call, She is going to the Phillipines! It was quite funny and ironic, as soon as we found out, there was a knock at the door and it was....the Missionaries!!! We were quite entertained! LOL I can't believe that this year is almost over! I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. Merry Christmas!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Biggest Scare of My Life!!!

My little man, Trystan definitely keeps me on my toes. Today though, he just scared me beyond belief and I mean hysterical crying scared. We were just ready to go pick up Ysabella from school and I ran upstairs to use the restroom before we left. Trystan was sitting on the couching watching that PBS cartoon, Word Girl. I came downstairs and he wasn't on the couch. I poked my head out the back door because sometimes he will go out and play in the backyard. No Trystan. I went next door to my friend's Codey and Kristi's house because they are Aunt and Uncle to my kids and he wasn't there...that's when I started getting scared. My other friends live two doors down and we checked there as well and Trystan was just no where in sight!My friend Aaron got on his bike and rode to check at my daycare providers house because Trystan had been upset that he had left his cup there so we thought maybe he went there. By this time, I am freaking out and I am late picking up Ysabella. My friends kept looking for him and I drove over to the school to pick her up. I was going to call the police as soon as I had her and was on my way back. I double parked a car and left my car running right across the street from the school and ran to find Bella. People were looking at me like I had lost my mind because tears were just streaming down my face. Right as I heard Ysabella say my name I look down and there is my little boy, all safe and sound and all grins and proud that he came and picked up Bella from school. I couldn't even say anything...I just grabbed him and was holding on to him for dear life and completely broke down, The principal came running over and asked if everything was ok and one of the sweet sisters from my ward was right there as well. I have NEVER been more scared in my life and more relieved too. Needless to say, the kids have not left my sight today afterwards and I am just so thankful that Heavenly Father looked after my little boy who decided to walk by himself four blocks away and across a fairly busy intersection!
Monday, June 1, 2009
A trip to the ER
Whoever said that May we live an interesting life...well it is! Trystan was wearing a shirt today that completely fits him...it says "All my great ideas get me in trouble" Today he definitely got in trouble and it landed him in the ER. Ysabella and Trysatn were out back playing while I was trying to sell my tv...anyway they come back in and sit down on the couch to watch Arthur. All is fine and dandy, I'm studying they are quiet and content and then after the cartoon is over Trystan comes over and starts crying "Mommy, I'm almost dying!" I'm stinking his drama queen sister is rubbing off on him and I laugh and tell him he's not dying and he's ok. He then proceeds to tell me "NO! I drank gas!!!" I ask Bella if he really did and she verifies it, I tell him to show me and sure enough he shows me a gas can laying out in the driveway! I'm about to freak out but instead I grab my keys and get him in his car seat and rush him to the ER. They did x rays and kept us there for a couple of hours but he is ok. Luckily he only drank a little bit and it didn't do any damage I just have to make sure he stays hydrated and just watch him. It sure scared me though and now I am just pissed at whoever decided to leave the gas can out of the hiding spot anyway.
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