I decided not to make any resolutions this year because in all honesty, I don't keep them and then I get mad at myself for not living up to my own expectations. I AM going to appreciate what and who I have in my life and be grateful and not take a day for granted...if anything would ever happen, I don't want to be saying "If Only..."
Now a little update on everyone. Scott and I are doing great. I am still working at the Picture Me! Portrait Studio, and I am the Assistant Manager. I am also still working on Mon Cherie Photography but I really don't focus to much energy on it right now as I really dont want to start my studio here in Cedar City.

I am also working another part time job as a customer service rep for Itzy Bitzy. If you have little ones that can wear these shoes and accessories, check us out at www.itzybitzy.com Scott is doing well, he had quit smoking but kinda fell back on the habit! He is working full time at Parkway Ford and also part time at Brian Head...he is so excited to get to snowboard for free!
We had a wonderful holiday and all of us were pretty spoiled! Our favorite gift was our new addition to our family. Meet Duchess Blu Skyelee!

She is our purebred Blue Merle Great Dane! (please excuse the messy house behind her!) Both Scott and I have a passion for big dogs and Danes are such wonderful pets! She is very smart and pretty mellow which is nice! She is a gem with her kennel training!
Anyway, the kids are getting so big! They are pretty much driving me insane on some days but I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world. There are some days that they can get along so well and are literally best friends and inseparable, but on another day they are screaming at each other and usually throwing blows...
Ysabella is coming up on seven, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is a little drama queen and I can seriously already dread her being a teenager!! She comes home from school with all her little stories about boys chasing her, and this girl not liking this girl and so on and so on...It scares me how fast our society is pushing little girls to grow up! She can be sweet and innocent when she wants to be...she is a whiz at math and loves the color blue and purple. She adores My Little Ponies and Tinkerbell and is in fact, pushing for a Tinkerbell birthday party as I am typing this up!
Trystan is 4 1/2 now and wow, is he a character. He is my monkey! The boy has no fear!! He will start kindergarten next fall...so sad for me, my baby is getting too big! He knows his ABC's and can count to 20 and then skips all the way to 100! His favorite color is green and the boy loves Transformers, especially Bumblebee! He is a little scrapper for sure, I am having to tell him to be good and be nice every single day at daycare!!
Well this has definitely been a long post! I will be posting again soon, we are due for some new family pictures so I will get those up as soon as we have them done.
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