Monday, December 15, 2008

Love this time of the year

So we kinda slept in yesterday and didn't make it to church...OOPS! So we decided to take the opportunity to make some Christmas treats for our friends and neighbors. We made hot chocolate and put it in bags with marshmallows and candy cane sticks and made candy coated pretzel sticks in fun designs such as snowflakes and santas and snowmen. It was alot of fun. We then bagged them up in these cute little snowmen bags that we found at Wally World and started delivering them. Ysabella and Trystan were so excited!!!! One of our neighbors were like Hold one, hold on, we have something for you and gave the kids some old fashioned orange sticks. As we were walking home Ysabella stopped and was like" the other people didn't give us anything!" It gave me the perfect opportunity to give a good lesson about the spirit of giving. When Scott took me to work later on in the afternoon the Salvation Army was outside ringing their bells and I gave each of them a dollar to go give away. Hopefully they understand a little better now!!