Monday, June 1, 2009

A trip to the ER

Whoever said that May we live an interesting life...well it is! Trystan was wearing a shirt today that completely fits says "All my great ideas get me in trouble" Today he definitely got in trouble and it landed him in the ER. Ysabella and Trysatn were out back playing while I was trying to sell my tv...anyway they come back in and sit down on the couch to watch Arthur. All is fine and dandy, I'm studying they are quiet and content and then after the cartoon is over Trystan comes over and starts crying "Mommy, I'm almost dying!" I'm stinking his drama queen sister is rubbing off on him and I laugh and tell him he's not dying and he's ok. He then proceeds to tell me "NO! I drank gas!!!" I ask Bella if he really did and she verifies it, I tell him to show me and sure enough he shows me a gas can laying out in the driveway! I'm about to freak out but instead I grab my keys and get him in his car seat and rush him to the ER. They did x rays and kept us there for a couple of hours but he is ok. Luckily he only drank a little bit and it didn't do any damage I just have to make sure he stays hydrated and just watch him. It sure scared me though and now I am just pissed at whoever decided to leave the gas can out of the hiding spot anyway.